Washington taz | See Donald Trump’s Wahlsieg Anfang November is quickly becoming zur Routine: After 78 years of other Republikaner Personalentscheidungen for his favorable second American time. The names, the cases that have arisen, are often considered for Kopfschütteln and Unbehagen gesorgt.

“I stop for fun. If all goes well, it is the case that the presidents and the first couple of couples and not the American government are a political, economic and criminal law, says Ben Olinsky of the Center for American Progress.

There is nothing to indicate that Donald Trump is more committed to his loyalties. It is possible that there are bisherigen-nominierungen und was genauer, erkennt Menschen mit sehr unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten, Erfahrungen und Ideologien. It was the whole story: Washington as a political system is gone.

The bright idea I got is in “Project 2025”. The right-wing conservative Heritage Foundation has published 900 pages of a strong campaign for the American Trump’s American government, when American-American democracy acquired the founding legend.

Gewalsteilung ade

With “Project 2025”, the Republikaner is seen differently from the Democrats – and in the fight against Abtreibungsrecht and migration and climate politics. Darüber will help the political institutions a few years later and the system of sogenants checks and balances Zerstören, das sicherstellt, stets den Kompromiss suchen zu müssen. Gewalsteilung, ade.

Although the Wahlkampfs have supported Donald Trump, he does not know the ‘Project 2025’, but it has not been read, but it is not that it is not so, but there are other developments. Nur: One of the most important drivers of the Entwurfs is your nominated direction.

Russell Vought and Stephen Miller etwa. Both were part of the first Trump Cabinet. This inheritance can not only help, but also the plans for a different political fielder in four years will no longer be implemented.

Stephen Miller is golden as Hardliner. There was a big war for Trumps who passed the ‘Muslim Ban’ in 2017, the einreiseverbot for the best Muslims in the state. In the next directorial run, Miller will act as a star of the Stellvertretender Stabschef. There will be a journey through asylum law so that we can no longer be scrubbed. The massive analysis of ‘illegal wandering’ that Trump often engaged in with the Wahlkampfs could focus on Miller’s Agenda.

Trump will abschite a million people

Wirtschaftsexperts are more and more aware of the massive financing, we will develop the US American landwirtschaft and service industry in the middle of the market. In both sectors, workers are especially vulnerable. The new Trump administration will last a million years longer.

While Wahl has instituted new border protections, Trump is ultra-conservative. Tom Homan is the former director of the Security Management for Einwanderungsvergehen (ICE). Now I’m done with “Project 2025”.

“I have a Botschaft and the Millionen illegaler Einwanderer, die Joe Biden unter Verletzung des Bundesgesetzes in our Land gelassen hat: Fangt jetzt besser an, eure Sachen zu packen,” Homan said in July at the Nominierungsparteitag der Republikaner.

A war was waged by the main themes in the US-Wahlkampf. Laut offizieellen Regierungszahlen sollen 2022 knapp 11 Millionen Einwanderer ohne Papere in de USA gebt haben. It is clear that this Zahl has been given new impetus over the years.

Die Mär vom “Deep State”

The ‘Project 2025’ program is described by the US government as more like the theme migration. After the Trump proposals, Russell took the position of Director of Budget and Management (OMB). Schon am Ende von Trumps first Amtszeit war Vought OMB director.

If we can use the control posts, this is the way in which the chairmen draw up the Haushalt plan and present the agenda for the next agenda in the best possible way.

I have chosen to exercise the power of the presidents and the power of the OMB directors in the next German German government. Among other things, the President of the Court, the US Congress has implemented a government program and a program for the treatment or efforts of the US. Aktuell can now be the Kongress. If you make these plans, you will be rewarded with a loyalty to the inside of the joint directing devices, which the Anweisungen aus dem Weißen Haus ohne Widerstand Folge leisten.

Under republican power, the verschwörungstheoretisch glauben is a kind of ‘Deep State’, a state that shows the state that there is an existing governing body. If the cases from the Bürokraten are rejected, the conservative political right will become the politics of the future. Moreover, it will be necessary to ensure that the regulatory authorities are able to implement them. “Our small confrontations are not a problem for our country,” he said in June.

Bloß keine Fachkompetenz

The Verschwörungstheorie of a ‘Deep State’ would be obtained by Trump himself. They can run for the positions of FBI directors, the Ministers of Justice, Außen- and Verteidigungs who employ the Secret Service Director if they are overprotective. While the Senate was in its prime, it could replace the Deep State. Homan and Miller have taken charge of a “Project 2025” with their plans.

The current Congress abgeornetet Matt Gaetz war against Trumps was the first watch for the Justice Ministers’ post. Gaetz, who was created by the Kurzem himself from the Ministerium, is no longer like that, but it is still not a leading position in power. One of the ethical representatives of Gaetz’s representatives is that of the past, which is sex with an underage woman. A message about the English translation is still not available. If it is clear that the odds of a best decision by the Senate change, Gaetz is likely to get a nomination.

The Story of Fall by Pete Hegseth. The evil moderator of Fernsehsenders rights Fox would have become a new Secretary of State and created the largest ministry in the US government. Erfahrung hater in diesem Bereich keine. Außerdem wurde Hegseth im Year 2017 der sexual unvisited. If there’s no reason for Hegseth to do this, this is another choice for his quirky hat. The power of the Defense Minister in the context of the Schlagzeilen, we will regard the US soldiers as a “Marxist” agenda.

While Tulsi Gabbard’s convention center spread Russian and Syrian propaganda and now that the US Secret Service is working less often, the first look is not the only qualification for the Amt. Gilded gold coins for Robert Kennedy Jr. Under Trump, the postponed impfgegner ends up at the Health Ministry.

“Normalos” and Superreiche

Before experts look at these nominations, Trump’s team has never invested in a number of candidates who can enhance their qualifications and their character. ‘Some time ago a president would have said that the world was dying. That’s different here. It was a pursuit of absolute loyalty, linked to this, was ‘Project 2025’ and the President Trump designed by him dared to say that he would have the Arbeitsweise der Regierung Wollen, Olinsky said.

There are no fragmentary characters that Trump otherwise nominates “normal” candidates for which important government positions. Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent or Lori Chavez-DeRemer acted as Treasury Secretary going forward were described as reliable and solid.

“These Beispiele said, that Trump is a rationale Seite hat,” said zum Beispiel Yale professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld. “If you do that, you can’t see any other, emotional, crazy, night-time pages. And with that hat Trump rules out one of the prevailing candidates.”

The big problem is that we can see Elon Musk. The Reichst Mann der Welt has abolished the financial crisis in Trump’s Kreis der Vertrauten. Musk and the Geschäftsmann Vivek Ramaswamy are seeking to create a new organization for efficient management in the Trump administration. During the presentation of the conference that affected Musk, a personal event occurred in the regime.

This significant political impact is reflected in other technological developments: after meta-chief Mark Zuckerberg and Donald Trump are no longer interested for four years, the expenditure is one million dollars for design development.

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